The National Electronic Exchange (NEB), a key player in Ukraine's electronic auction system, offers a platform through Prozorro.Sale for state and municipal property sales and leases. The recent redesign of the NEB website focuses on enhancing user experience with a more intuitive interface, efficient processes for auction participation, and user support.

The website itself was updated to offer a simplified interface, making it easier for users to register and participate in auctions step by step. The platform also emphasize accessibility, ensuring that users can easily interact with the auction system across various devices and locations. This is in line with NEB’s mission to provide transparent, accessible, and efficient electronic auctions for a wide range of assets, including real estate, land, and bankruptcy properties​ Prozorro Sale NEB Auctions

I developed key components for the NEB platform, my responsibilities were centered on creating and refining several critical interfaces: registration forms, auction detail forms, auction creation forms, registration for auction participation etc.

Redesign of the National Electronic Exchange Website

Main page, Registration, Auction Details
